The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117916   Message #2543861
Posted By: Ruth Archer
20-Jan-09 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: Class-obsessed folkies
Subject: RE: Class-obsessed folkies

Please list all of the occasions when you have visited Cecil Sharp House.

Please be specific about how anyone denied you access to the books, archives, or sound library.

Please detail occasions when the staff there were less than helpful with a specific phone or e-mail enquiry.

Please describe any occasion when a member of the staff said that a song had to be sung in a particular way, or that you had to know the provenance of it before you sang it.

Until then, stop defaming one of the worst-resourced, yet most valuable, national treasures that this country possesses. It boasts Shirley Collins and Eliza Carthy, two of the most knowledgeable and important ambassadors for the folk world, as its new president and vice president. It welcomes through its doors, free of charge, thousands of people each year who are genuinely interested in music, not in pursuing their own, pathetic, self-obsessed agenda. Get out there. Get educated. Stop mouthing off about subjects where your arguments are, in fact, intellectually bereft. And grow the hell up.