The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117916   Message #2543944
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
20-Jan-09 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Class-obsessed folkies
Subject: RE: Class-obsessed folkies
"Since I 'fell' into it, I have been *told* what class I am, been *told* I am a racist, been *told* that I read the *wrong* papers. I'e been *told* more things about myself than I even knew, because they know far more about me than I do, apparently. I've had just about every insult imaginable thrown at me, simply for loving the music 'my' way and not 'theirs'. Why???"

Probably because you're a ranter, Lizzie. And probably because you go off on one every time anyone has the temerity to disagree with one of your tedious opinions.

I agree to disagree with lots of people in the folk world, who occasionally *tell* me things about myself that I didn't know. I respond in one of 3 possible ways:

- I decide that they have a point and make the necessary changes. Especially if they advance convincing arguments and don't rant.

- I continue to disagree with them.

- I ignore them.

I very rarely, if ever, take umbrage - life's too short!

Oh yes, and my perception is that, in recent years, the EFDSS has changed from a rather stuffy organisation to an exciting, modern one with a determination to make the material more widely available.