The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #2544046
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
20-Jan-09 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
The Scout Song Book (second edition)
Pub. The Boy Scouts Association
25 Buckingham Palace Road, London S.W.1

Songs generally shown with melody line, some harmonies included.

All things shall perish
All through the night
Animal fair, The
Another little log upon the camp fire
Ash grove, The

Back to Gilwell
Battered elm tree, The
Begone, dull care!
Birds of a feather
Blow my bully boys
Blow, pipers, blow!
Boat, a boat, A
Bobby Shaftoe
Boys, be prepared

Camping song, A
Coasts of High Barbary, The
Cockles and mussels
Come, follow
Come, landlord, fill the flowing bowl
Comrades are we
Crest of a Wave
Crocodile, The

Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Day is what you make it, The
Dog and the bear, The
Donkey riding
Down in Demerara
Drink to me only with thine eyes
Drummer and the cook, The

Early one morning
Een Gonyama

Fire down below

Ging gang goo
Gone to bed
Good-night, ladies
Good-night to you all
Great American Railway, The
Great Tom is cast
Green broom
Green grow the rushes ho!

Have you any work?
Heave away, my Johnny
Heav'n, Heav'n
Here's a health unto His Majesty
Ho! Every sleeper waken!
Home on the range

In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell
It's great to be young

Kookaburra, The

Marching through Georgia
Men of Harlech
Merrily, merrily, greet the morn
Morning is come
My Boy Billy
My grandfather's clock
My Old Kentucky home

Now as I start

O come and go with me
Oft in the stilly night
Oh, how lovely is the evening
One more river

Ping pong ball, The
Polly wolly doodle
Purple and green, The

Riding down from Bangor
Rising of the lark, The
Robin Hood
Rose, rose, rose, rose

Sally Brown
Saturday afternoon till Sunday morning
Shon Campbell
Sing together
Softly sings the donkey
Solomon Levi
Song in my heart
Stick together
Summer is a-coming in
Sweet and low
Sweet nightingale
Sweet the evening air of May
Swing low, sweet chariot

Tarpaulin jacket, The
There is a tavern in the town
These are the times
Tree in the woods, The
Turn again, Whittington
Twelve days of Christmas, The

Uncle Ned

Vive l'amour

Walking song, A
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Where is John?

Ye Banks and Braes
You'll get there