The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117422   Message #2544698
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Jan-09 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
Subject: RE: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
Haha! That's what Keith Olbermanm called it on Countdown, though I don't know if he was the one who coined it.

Congratulations, SRS!

MAG, can your friends mail your meds? Glad you enjoyed the concert.

This isn't really about decluttering, but since I cleaned house for it and told you gals about it, I thought I'd tell you about it:

Just had an evening I think you can appreciate. If someone had told me, up until a year ago, that I would have my first husband over to our house this night,I would have told them they were out of their minds, there was no way that would ever happen. We were both teens when we met and had our son and I was barely 21 when I left him with two kids. Last time we saw each other or spoke was in 1977, until last year. I saw his mom in the grocery store and felt moved to speak to her, even though I had hated her. Gave her my number, he called, we talked for almost two hours, then I put him in touch with our son, Colin, who My Rog had adopted, and who lives here and they've been close.

The ex, Stan, is working on building an earthship and the county has been trying to thwart him, so I offered to write up an article and/or press release. SO, he came over at 7p and I just sent him home at 930. He was only going to stay for thirty minutes. He's a very creative person with so many meaningful, thoughtfull ideas to help the earth and humankind. He and Rog and I had a lot of things in common to talk about, plus I caught him up on our daughter, Kirsten and his grandsons, Elijah and Akira.

I thought I would always hate him and his family for being so dysfunctional and wanting to take my kids, but age has mellowed us all and/or made us wiser; more accepting. I found myself feeling quite tender towards him; he's a bit damaged and trying to make things right within himself and with the world and still has the good qualities which attracted me to him. I still couldn't live with him, but he will be neat to have as a friend, for both of us. Rog is so easy going and considerate and liked him, too. The intellect says it should have felt strange, having these two men who have known me so intimately, in the same room, meeting one another, but it felt perfectly comfortable and *right* in my heart. Of course Rog knows me as I have grown into who I am and Stan is just getting to know me beyond the young mother he knew. Interesting and fulfilling in some way. It is good, regardless of whether we do much together or not.