The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117933   Message #2544720
Posted By: VirginiaTam
21-Jan-09 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Note to self... do paypal this weekend after I get paid.

I am not going to attack Sorcha or take sides here. It is fair enough if someone needs or wishes transparency. It might have been better if Sorcha had PMd concern rather than make it public. But then maybe not.   It is a free speech place. Not my place to judge anyone.

I just want to say Thank you Max. Mudcat and it's denizens makes me laugh and cry. I witness and experience thoughtfulness, silliness, outrage and joy but I never feel despair. I learn amazing stuff about music, people and places. I have met wonderful virtual people and will soon be meeting one new Mudfriend face to face this weekend. I hope to meet more in real life.

I wish my daughter had lived to be a part of the Mudcat City. She would love it here. Though she prabaly would have been one of those stubborn, opinionated, vocal ones that mods would respectfully request to tone it down.   

Anyway, because Andie is not here, sometimes Mudcat is a very needed distraction from my sorrow.

Thank you again and again and again.

Oh and one tip.... please don't spend so much time on us that you miss precious moments with your family.
