The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115834   Message #2545456
Posted By: Rafflesbear
21-Jan-09 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Broadstairs 2009
Subject: RE: Broadstairs 2009
"there are acts there which are undoubtedly on the extreme edge of the folk genre" and "the eclectic nature of some of the acts"

I fear that those who deep in their hearts want the festival to be loved are in denial. There are some bands which with a ladder and some glasses might see folk music on the horizon.

BUT is ANYONE going to claim that the FUNKIMG BARSTEWARDS (oh how clever that name is - I thought for a moment you said something else - oh how jolly) have ANYTHING remotely to do with Folk Music? - so why are they in the programme?

I could accept that during folk week other styles of music take place in Broadstairs - it's a free country (believe that if you will) so anyone can put on alternative entertainment in the hope of picking up the non-folkies. But this is PROGRAMMED IN as part of the FOLK WEEK

I was told that the points that were sent in to the organisers were going to be circulated and discussed by the committee - so what did they think? - we don't know - the silence is deafening. No statement - nothing. Is that because they think it is their festival not ours? Is it because we are not their target audience anyway? Are we wrong to think that this festival was ever meant for the likes of us?

For me this one band sums up the frustrations of those who are complaining and until I heard their promo I was still blind to the argument of the complainers

I was the one who suggested to the people of Mudcat that they should make their views known to the organisers and now I am asking the organisers to come out from wherever they are hiding and let us know whether we are wasting our time. ORGANISERS ARE YOU THERE? Would you like to tell us of all the good things you are doing? Did anyone of you at the committee meeting agree with anything that was being said?