The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118037   Message #2545750
Posted By: Jim Dixon
22-Jan-09 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Hispanic-American
Subject: Index: The Land of Poco Tiempo (Lummis, 1893)
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The Land of Poco Tiempo
By Charles Fletcher Lummis
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1893)

[Chapter IX: New Mexican Folk-Songs]

Angel de Amor - Angel of Love - 221
Ay! Ay! Ay! - Alas! - 223
El Borrachito - The Drunken Fellow - 229
El Carbonero - The Charcoal Man - 240
El Coyotito - The Little Coyote - 233
El Farrocarril - The Railroad - 236
El Pastor Tonto - The Stupid Shepherd - 245
El SonoreƱo - The Sonoran (Exile) - 238
El Viejo - The Old Man - 231
La Calandria - The Calendar-Lark - 243
La Mentira - The Lie - 227
Suzanita - Susie - 225