The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117973   Message #2546015
Posted By: PoppaGator
22-Jan-09 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brits on Titanic die of niceness
Subject: RE: BS: Brits on Titanic die of niceness
Given the dearth of lifeboats, I'm pretty sure that there were few adult males survivors of any nationality, and that those women and children who went down with the ship would have been mostly third-class ("steerage") passengers, and maybe some from second-class as well.

Economic/social class undoubtedly had as much to to with the demographics of survival as did nationality.

I wonder about the degree to which nationality and class had to do with the researchers' presuppositions regarding their "expectations" of who and how many British men woulda/coulda/shoulda survived. The conclusions of any study are, of course, largely predetermined by the assumptions made at its outset.

I can see that, within the group of male first-class passengers, significantly greater numbers of the British men might have maintained a stiff-upper-lip noblesse-oblige attitude than their American first-class counterparts, who would probably have included a contingent of nouveau-riche robber-baron types, a demographic group not notable for selflessness.

(Sorry about all the French, when we're discussing an almost entirely English-speaking group...;^)