The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23134   Message #254606
Posted By: catspaw49
09-Jul-00 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
Subject: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
Generally I don't announce that I'm going to send Max some money, but this is a bit different and I wanted to share the story with you.

A few weeks back, Karen had found a different type of training wheels suitable for use for our 8 year old son Tristan, mentally retarded with autistic characteristics. We think he'll manage a 2 wheeler sometime, but he really wanted one NOW and his motor skills are not yet developed enough to allow him to ride one. A man in Wales had a similar situation with his son and had developed some trining wheels that proved successful with special kids. We liked the idea, but there was a problem........He did not export them to the U.S.!!! But I figured I'd try the Mudcat solution.

I started a thread asking for help and within 25 minutes, Mudcatter Gervase in London had already talked to the man and made arrangements. I was completely flabberghasted and said so. Gervase followed up the order and soon the wheels had arrived and been forwarded to us. They got here just after we returned from Tennessee and we put them on Tris's new bike. In a driving rainstorm, he tried them out while Dad and Mom took pictures. The look of pure joy on his face was simply fantastic. When you have "Special Kids" it takes very little sometimes to overjoy you as a parent and this was a BIG step!!!

I forwarded a picture to Gervase with my thanks and asking that we settle up on the money (LOTS of Her Majesties pictures adorned the parcel, plus the price of the wheels, etc.). I received a reply just a bit ago which said how pleased Gervase was to help, that he enjoyed the picture, and:

"As to the cost, bloody hell man, the picture alone is worth every penny, so why don't you just bung a donation into the Mudcat fighting fund and call it square?"

.......and that I will. Gervase says he's also started a new web business and has been quite busy of late. I can only say that I wish him the absolute best and that he has made a young man (and his parents) very happy. I'll end here and take care of the donation tomorrow with Max by phone, but I'll end with Gervase's last line in his e-mail and a line I often use myself.........

...Isn't the Mudcat remarkable?"

Thanks Gervase.
