The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23127   Message #254612
Posted By: Big Mick
09-Jul-00 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Apologies All Around
Subject: RE: BS: Apologies All Around
Actually, Flattop, I think you are pretty close to right on. If one would read carefully and then go and check, you will see that he has nailed someone pretty well. But one piece of advice, Flattop. Leave us be in our ignorance. We don't care if this jackass thinks he is outsmarting us by showing that, when it comes to being welcoming, and caring, instead of cynical and suspicious. Actually, we wear it as a badge of pride. That is why, despite this person of recordsetting lack of self esteem, best attempts, this is still the best place on the Internet. As Rick sez, "It is the town I always wanted to live in". And Blackadder, if he hadn't nailed it, you would not have reacted so badly. To there, no further.

Big Mick