The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117933   Message #2547135
Posted By: Big Mick
23-Jan-09 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Adrien and Art, I have read and pondered your comments and find that I cannot agree. And my comments were not gratuitous nor were they an attempt to outdo anyone. Sorcha chose to make a public comment that I found, in tone and content, to invite a response. The implications of it were clear. Cutting through all the emotional folderal that the thread has generated, this woman (whom I also consider a Mudcat friend) who has used this site to her advantage in addition to contributing her input, chose to chastise a person who has given her the outlet and opportunity to expand her world. If she really gave a damn about Max and the site, she would have contacted him personally and expressed her concerns. But, in my opinion, she chose to express her "irrascible" opinion in public. When you do that, you invite response. The responses she got were just as "irrascible" as what she posted.

I am not throwing Sorcha out the window, nor am I ganging on. I simply wrote my response to her comments. I remember when she came here. She certainly has contributed to the quilt. But her, like all of us, has gotten much more than she gave, financially, spiritually, knowledgewise .... on every level this place gives back far more than any of us contribute. Neither of you would even know who she, or any of us, were it not for this place. This is why I found the method, the language, and the tone of her comments to be unacceptable to me.

I stand by my response to her comments.
