The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117933   Message #2547196
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
23-Jan-09 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Update - Jan 20, 2009
Megan, was Granny your mum's mum, by any chance? ;-)

Max, I second Kat's request about displaying the auction-page info in more places. Not knowing how to administer things or handle money scared me off donating until now, and even after looking for it I couldn't find the FAQ page. In fact, auctioning stuff is dead easy - even easier if you give 100% of the take to Mudcat! (No currency handling to worry about.) Try it, you guys -

I particularly like the international aspect of it - a nifty way for Statesiders to buy British/Irish/Other items and still pay dollars. (Anybody fancy a green plastic leprechaun sitting on a shamrock?) (Kidding . . .)