The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117780   Message #2548136
Posted By: Rafflesbear
24-Jan-09 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: Discount CDs at gigs
Subject: RE: Discount CDs at gigs
Sorry Breezy, let's keep it cool but I think you are in danger of contradicting yourself here

In the context of this thread - should the musician give you a discount on their CD because you have paid to get in?

What I am saying is that when you pay your entry fee you are paying it to the organiser and YES the organiser has to get his/her money back because they have the expenses of running a club, hiring premises, paying for publicity and I don't know what else - but whether I go or not makes no difference (on the night) to the musician, and YES I hope that the organiser gets his/her money back because if they don't they will go out of 'business'

The organiser has to look after his/her finances and the musician has to look after his/her finances. If they are confident of selling CDs then they can probably keep their fees down

I ask what level you are describing because myself I am talking about musicians working hard and scraping a living out of it - what happens in the exalted world of the rich and famous is outside my experience and knowlrdge

It is context - should the musician offer a discount on CDs