The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118026   Message #2548660
Posted By: breezy
25-Jan-09 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: giving money tips at english folk clubs
Subject: RE: giving money tips at english folk clubs
dear Capn, you claim

'I have busked many times'

O K what do you mean by 'Many times'?
Please qualify

Please be so kind as to answer the following quetuionare for reasearch purposes

Please circle your response

How many hours did you busk last week Capn B?
0   1-4 5-10 11 -14 15-20 21+

How many hours this year?
0   1-5 6-10 11-15 -16--25 26-50 over 50 over 100 100 300 500

last year? please estimate

in the last 10 years

thats where you get real feed back, out doors.

'Many times' means nothing.