The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118042   Message #2548708
Posted By: 3refs
25-Jan-09 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Subject: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
First and foremost, this has absolutely nothing to do with the new President or the negativity and rhetoric about "Uncle Tom's"!
I had to get up early one morning recently, at a rediculess hour even for fishing, and while I was having my morning "Timmy's"(only in Canada you say!)I turned on the T.V. to check the temperature outside(-31). I did a little channel surfing and started to watch a show about Uncle Tom's Cabin(the ice will still be there). I had absolutely no idea that the historical site is in Ontario, Canada. I don't recall if the program was by The National Film Board Of Canada or not, but it was a great little program.
They made quite a few references to the book. The most astonishing revelation to me was the fact that it was the best selling book of the 19th century, second only to The Bible!
A short time later, I was in the hut, listening to a radio program from Toronto(have I ever said I...never mind) where the topic was about banning books in schools that used language or betrayed people in a way that is now considered socially unacceptable; Uncle Tom's Cabin, To Kill a Mockingbird and so on. How freakin far will these people go.
I am of Scottish heritage, and for hundreds of years my ancestors were enslaved, murdered, called unflattering names and let's not forget that "Primae Noctis" thing, we got over it.