The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118042   Message #2548751
Posted By: Teribus
25-Jan-09 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Subject: RE: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
For our two Canadian friends, who obviously believe whole-heartedly in the Mel Gibson school of Scottish History - the lowdown on "Jus Primus Nocte" from a Scot:

- The existence of a "right of the first night", or "Jus Primus Nocte" in the Middle Ages was first disputed in the 19th century.

- Most historians today would agree that there was no such authentic custom in the Middle Ages.

- The origin of this mythical "right" can be traced to the writings of Hector Boece in 16th Century Scotland who referred to the decree of the Scottish king Evenus III that "the lord of the ground shall have the maidenhead of all virgins dwelling on the same."

- Unfortunately for Hector Boece, and his reputation as an authority on Scottish History, King Evenus III of Scotland never existed. Boece's "account" of both King and decree were complete works of fiction.

Now why the Scots should be bitter about Glendalough, I haven't the foggiest notion, Glendalogh being a small place in Ireland. Maybe it was Glencoe Rapaire was referring to.

The "Clearances", Rapaire doesn't specify which ones but they were mostly instigated and carried out by Scottish Landowners - Not the big bad English as most fondly like to imagine, the first set of "Clearances" actually being carried out before the Union of Parliaments.