The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118042   Message #2548843
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
25-Jan-09 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Subject: RE: BS: Uncle Tom's Cabin
That list of banned books by pdq in the United States includes mostly unenforceable bans by local governments, school boards, etc., that didn't stop sales except locally. The list probably could be enlarged, but except for those listed below, was never applied beyond a city, state, school board list, etc.

Canada and U. S. bans by federal agencies (none since 1963):

Candide, Voltaire, U. S. by Customs, 1930, not upheld.
Droll Stories, de Balzac, Canada in 1914
Fanny Hill, Cleland, U. S., 1821, 1963 (last book banned in U. S.)
The Federal Mafia, Schiff, Nevada Court injunction, as fraudulant.
The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck, California and locally.
Lady Chatterley's Lover, Lawrence, U. S., temporarily for obscenity.
Naked Lunch, Burroughs, banned in Boston but reversed by Mass. Court of Appeals. (Publishers liked to have their books banned in Boston as it aided nationwide sales).
Tropic of Cancer, Miller, U. S. 1930s-1960s, along with most of Miller's work.
Ulysses, James Joyce, U. S., temporarily banned but overthrown on appeal.

Several were banned in Great Britain, starting with a screed by Milton. Probably the most talked about was "Well of Loneliness," lesbian theme, 1928-1949 (republication).

Black Beauty was banned in South Africa because of 'black' in the title.