The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25098   Message #2548953
Posted By: GUEST,DWR
25-Jan-09 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Origin: House Carpenter
Subject: RE: Origin: House Carpenter
This brings up a point I have thought about a few times since the phenomenon started.   Spammers' somewhat random attacks have managed to bring to the front many interesting threads, threads I missed the first time around. Frequently, these spammed threads create more interest than they did the first time around.(or second or third . . .)

Perhaps we need an "intelligent spammer", someone who digs into our past and resurrects random threads that require more attention!

Come to think of it though, without mentioning names, we do have several dedicated Mudcatters who do that very thing, adding something of value to a thread long dead, or at least buried in the archives.

That's part of the beauty here, the ability to continue a conversation intermittently through the years.