The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2549149
Posted By: Ebbie
25-Jan-09 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Evidently Canada has not always been as lackadaisical about the significance of an oath.

'Twas Not Always Thus

And another:

"MICHAEL McATEER would really like to become a Canadian citizen. The 75-year-old retired journalist was born and raised in Whitehall in Dublin, but has lived in Canada since 1964. He has resisted taking citizenship, citing the 45-word ceremonial oath that includes a pledge "to be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty queen Elizabeth the second, queen of Canada, her heirs and successors".

"The self-described republican explains that it is a matter of conscience for him. "I know a lot of Irish people would mumble over the oath or cross their fingers while saying it," said McAteer, who says the idea of a monarchy is "anathema" to him. "But if I am forced to take an oath, it's binding. I can't take an oath I don't believe in."

"McAteer is one of four permanent residents of Canada who yesterday asked the province of Ontario's Superior Court of Justice to certify a class-action lawsuit. They allege that Canada's citizenship oath violates their freedom of conscience, a fundamental right under the nation's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, by compelling would-be citizens to "express allegiance and faithfulness to a royal family and/or a monarchical form of government".

For Country- But Not for Queen