The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117903   Message #2549262
Posted By: An Buachaill Caol Dubh
26-Jan-09 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Attention Burns scholars
Subject: RE: Attention Burns scholars
Re. folkiedave's Radio Programme: I couldn't get access to it in the local Library, but with regard to "socialism", this term with anything like its modern meaning(s) really only dates from the fourth and fifth decades of the nineteenth century (and, incidentally, I only mentioned that Burns was a "humorous pacifist" above in connection with the sentiments in the verse which was the subject of weerover's original post). That Burns was, in the terminology of his own day, a "radical" there can be no doubt; although political discussion properly belongs in the "BS" section, here's a quotation from a letter of 1793 to John Erskine of Mar (who had expressed sympathy and offered support on learning of RB's troubles with the Excise over his political opinions): I'm quoting from memory, by the way, so there will likely be inaccuracies --

"Does anyone tell me that it does not belong to someone in my humble station to meddle in the concerns of a Nation? The uninformed mob may swell its bulk and the titled, tinsel, Courtly throng may be its feathered ornament, but it is those who are elevated enough to reason, yet low enough to keep clear of the venal contagion of a Court, who are a Nation's strength"

Before anyone leaps on that reference to "the uninformed mob", I'm pretty sure that the man himself would have agreed that "Education, Education, Education" is a valuable and necessary thing - and have been more sincere about such an "aspiration" than the current crop of British politicians.