The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2549700
Posted By: GUEST,Slag
26-Jan-09 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Well, I was going to be flip and just post "No atheists, so help me God!" But then read Virginia Tam's message near the beginning and it prompted me to add this from a Christian perspective:

Atheist and agnostics take the same position that human reason is superior to all things. If God cannot be "proved" either He doesn't exist or the jury is still out on the question. If God can be attained to or discovered via reason, via human logic, then only the brilliant minded, the "rational", the elite, would know God. The average Joe would be tough out of luck. The knowledge of God comes after "faith" in God. It is antecedent. It is revelation and NOT perception. Most folks who do come to a knowledge of God do so only after they have exhausted all human resources in their desperate quest. They find Him because they have come to understand their NEED for Him. We Christians are a needy lot. We have sought relief from sin and guilt, from futility and death. We have come to the end of ourselves and turned in the aforementioned desperation, to the One whom we hope will be able to save us. And joy of all joys, He didn't strike us down but lifted us up, cleaned us off and gave us new life that will never end. The Christian faith and experience goes far beyond what simple, inadequate logic can do for us.