The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2549718
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Jan-09 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
You're quite right, Slag, that the basic error most "rationalists" make is that they assume that human reason is superior to all things. Their faith in that concept is adamant and unshakeable. The god they worship is rationality itself, their god is the human mind....themselves, in effect, at the level of their own mind.

That's the most common error made by human beings, and it is the crux of how the ego functions (the ego being that which says: "I am separate from everything else around me.") (It also implicitly says: "I'm the most important one here, and my needs come first." although it may not always openly admit to that. It may pretend to be quite impartial.) The objective of most Eastern religions is to free human beings finally from the tyrranny of their own separated ego, the self-ruling endlessly chattering mind, and to attain oneness with something much greater, something that can be termed "the One" or "God" or "Life" or "existence" or "pure being" or "enlightenment" or "Self-realization". In that state one loves others as oneself and without does not engage in egotistical preferences or competitive ego games...and a careful study of the New Testament reveals that that is what Jesus was demonstrating and teaching.

It is, however, totally futile talking about this with anyone who still believes in the power of the mind above all else and wants to work only on the level of his mind...because he'll think you are talking complete nonsense about something unreal...and you'll think the same of him! ;-)

Therefore, why worry about it? Let those who wish to work on the level of their mind only enjoy themselves doing so, and don't dispute with them about it. It only leads to a lot of arguing, ego jousting, and verbal battles for supremacy, not to mention hurt feelings...and no one ends up thinking any differently than they did when it started. They just end up hating each other. ;-)

Bill D and I have been going through that for years on this forum, and I know how profitless it is to fall into the temptation of beating the old dead horse one more time...just to "prove" that you're right and someone else is "wrong".

They'll never believe you. You'll never believe them.