The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #255044
Posted By: SINSULL
10-Jul-00 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
Anyone who suggests that a disabled child should be taught to play with himself (in response to a request for appropriate instruments) deserves to be shunned. We have an obligation not to encourage this behavior by giving it creedance and arguing with the author. This isn't censorship. It is common sense. I apply the same common sense to the poor unfortunates I see on the subway every day who in their mental distress suggest outrageous sex acts. There is no logic to their suggestions. There is no point in encouraging their behavior by arguing with them. I am not judging them, not censuring them, not even trying to shut them up, just plain ignoring them.
Shambles has it right, in my opinion.