The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118089 Message #2550572
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
27-Jan-09 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Subject: RE: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Sorcha says that Israel is an artificial creation of the British government. If that is true (it isn't) then Jordan is an artificial creation of the British, as is Pakistan. Bangledesh is an artificial creation, having seceded from Pakistan. Azerbaijan was created from the Muslim part Armenia. There are many countries that weren't always countries which are today, but no one questions their legitimacy.
Only Israel, which was a country, and has always had a Jewish presence since early historic times is deemed illegal or artificial, in spite of being adopted by the United Nations. Several countries actually have the word Islamic in their name...Mauritania, Iran, Iraq (at least during the time of SH), Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Egypt and Syria once were in a loose federation, the United Arab Republic. But Israel can't be Jewish. How hypocritical!
Israel will never accept a single state solution for obvious reasons. Despite the 60 Minutes Jeremiahad it is possible for a two state solution. Israel will need to get a lot tougher on the settlers, but those who stay must then consider themselves under the just laws of a Palestinian state.
The real sticking point for Israel is going to be Jerusalem. As I have said before, when Jordan controlled Jerusalem, Jews were denied access to holy sites. That will not fly again.