The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118089 Message #2550631
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
27-Jan-09 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Subject: RE: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Few if any Mormons live in Palestine, and if they tried to proselytize they might not live anywhere. If Muslims find it hard to live with other sects of Muslims, how much worse it will be for Jews living within a Muslim majority. Also, Lebanon had a workable government which included Christians and Muslims (but no Jews) from its founding until Fatah and other Palestinian groups took over the south of the country, set up their state within a state, and harassed Israel in the 1970s. Lebanon has not been the same since. I do not see Israel acceding to a one state solution. Not in any time we'll see.