The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255200
Posted By: JenEllen
10-Jul-00 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
I happen to live in a place where it's never silent, lucky for me I enjoy the noise. As for man-made noise, I don't have a tv either, but I listen to music fairly constantly. When the music gets turned off, then there are the birds and crickets that are heard, and that's great music as well..

Funny too, I was just talking about this to another 'Catter. I've come across a music hater. A seemingly nice and decent fellow, that turns music off like your mother following behind you turning off the lights. I'm ready to wring his neck. Car trips are horrible, I turn the radio on, a few miles later, 'snap' it's off. Regardless of the type of music, it has to go. He says it's because he can't sting, can't dance, and can't carry a tune in a bucket with both hands. Music holds no interest *gasp*

Hopefully there is a cure for this?
