The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255221
Posted By: Willie-O
10-Jul-00 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
I wake up in the morning wandering around the house turning radios on. (To the same station) ...So the CBC can follow me on my chores. I like to catch breaking news, and feel like I'm in touch with the outside world.

My better half tolerates this, but she grew up in a Quaker household where silence was golden, as in their worship services--although this doesn't mean they were quiet that often. I guess we've compromised over the years. She doesn't like fiddle music--live or recorded--or rock first thing in the morning or when she gets home from work; guitars and banjos are OK.

Outside, though, I prefer the sounds of nature to a headset. The wind and the birds are never boring. Course that is not exactly silence.

My dad has early-mid Alzheimers and just hates having the radio on in his house, if its people talking. He can't follow the conversations and just finds the static deeply annoying. Classical music is OK with him though.