The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2552433
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jan-09 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Yo, Sawz,

First of all, don't call me "Blowhard Bobert" again 'er I'll hunt you down and extract a few of yer teeth... Got it??? Good...

As to why we invaded Iraq??? Well, it had nuthin' to do with the reasons that were given, that much has been established...

We invaded Iraq because the neo-cons convinced a less-than-curious George W that we needed to... He bought their story lock-stock-'n-barrel... The neo-cons look at the world as a big Monopoly board and they thought that if they could gain a real foothold somewhere in the Middle East that the US would have access to the oil there... Some folks would use the term "geo-political" for purdy much the same thing...

The neo-cons were convinced that Iraq was ripe for a MCDonalds on every corner and would be the easiest of the Middle Eastern countries to have half a chance of of selling an invasion to the rest of the world... It didn't have to be Iraq for them... Iran would have made them happy, too, but the story wasn't there... Too many transitions and here they had Saddam, who had been in power for decades... And they had the Kuwait history... So Iraq was to them the perfect storm...

Well, they got that part right... Iraq has been the perfect storm and bogged down out nation for at least a decade...

So, that is why Bush ordered up a senseless war and a war that should get him the title of "Worst President Ever"...

Okay, some folks would argue that Vietnam was as bad or worse and in terms of out losses it was worse... What makes Iraq worse than Vietnam is that Vietnam was a model of what not to do yet Bush, not known for his intellectual curiousity, didn't heed the lessons of Vietnam...
