Well, I might not have expressed it quite as adamantly as kendall did, but I also feel like I'm surrounded by too much noise. When I'm engaged in a relatively brainless activity -- driving the car, washing the dishes, etc. -- I like to listen to music. But I don't like the fact that there always seems to be a radio or television playing wherever you go; I find it very distracting and productive of a lot of excess stress. Less noise would be fine as far as I'm concerned.And no, Shambles, you're not the only one. I always have a song going around my brain, or a piece of a song. Sometimes it's just one musical phrase repeated over and over, while my fingers "play" the passage on whatever is close to hand -- the edge of my desk, the steering wheel, etc. I know this because my wife is always telling me to cut it out (especially when it's the middle of the night; I even do this in my sleep!).