The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165 Message #255260
Posted By: JenEllen
10-Jul-00 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
No, Kendall, it would be different if it were having the radio on for 'noise'. There are plenty of things around here worth hearing more so than music; the birds, the frogs, the wind in the sagebrush, the cat purring, hell even just sitting and listening to the grass grow is nice sometimes. Because I don't like the influence of television, and refuse to have one in my home, the only news I get is listening to NPR. I don't listen to most radio stations because I refuse to be spoon-fed the type of music I 'should' be listening to, and hate hearing the same crap every hour on the hour, but I'll take along a tape on long drives for farm calls, or play music that 'Catters have sent me in surgery, I know if I can't finish a spay in the time it takes me to hum "The Lady is a Tramp" then something is wrong. I also don't go around shutting off appliances in other people's homes, and I appreciate the hell out of it when they don't do it in mine. Silence is golden, especially when you need time to heal, don't tell me how to rock my chair and I won't tell you how to rock yours. Saving your spot, ~Elle