The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2552781
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Jan-09 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'

You say the question of religious belief does not come up in Canadian campaigns. My point exactly. Canadians are quite tolerant--if you don't flaunt your religious beliefs--or lack thereof--in their faces. Your 2006 survey alleges a majority of Canadians say they "would be quite happy to vote for an atheist."

Interesting, then, that it has never happened. You have provided no names of atheist PM's.

So, regarding your survey: in the words of my favorite political analyst, Shania Twain--surely you're familiar with her work?---that don't impress me much.

It seems that as long as the subject doesn't come up, everybody is happy. If the candidate were to declare it, the outcome might well be different. Some of the atheists on Mudcat, as PM candidates, would prove the point.

And I'm sure you know people can--and do--tell a pollster anything. There are also many questions regarding such a poll. How many refused to answer the question? Lies, damned lies, and......

I think the vaunted Canadian tolerance on this issue has never been tested. Or perhaps has been tested--and that's why there has never been an atheist PM. Perhaps an avowed atheist would never collect enough support to even be a plausible candidate.

If I'm incorrect, I'm sure you can supply the names of some atheist PM's.