The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4673   Message #25531
Posted By:
09-Apr-98 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Rest of the Day's Your Own
Subject: Farmer's Boy? words
I'm looking for the words to a very funny song that is probably called "Farmer's Boy". The only clues I have at the moment are that the song consists of a long list of chores given to a lad wishing "to be a farmer's boy" which the lad fails to remember correctly (that's the funny bit).

There is a refrain that repeats the phrase "to be a farmer's boy" and at the end of the list of chores another refrain of "the rest of the day's your own". The list of chores includes things like "up at three before the down, milk the cow with the crumpled horn" and "shave the pig" and "teach the chickens how to lay".

I would be very grateful if somebody can point me towards the full yrics of this song.

Many thanks,
