The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23127   Message #255318
Posted By: flattop
10-Jul-00 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Apologies All Around
Subject: RE: BS: Apologies All Around
I should let this die but what the hell.

Nose-picking, McGrath? I had no idea that you were capable of such picturesque phrases. I must not forget to look up some of your lyrics. I take it that you didn't find the whole thing flatulently funny. I don't see how this can be racist. Is Poland a race? Besides, I never thought the writing was Polish. You're confusing me with yourself. Let me do a thread trace for you. Potatoes? I was humbled to hear that Poland leads the world in potato production. As a narrow minded Canadian, I had thought Prince Edward Island was the potato pot of the world. We must now bow to Poland potato capacity.

I have learned a lot from this thread. I will never point out such silliness again. I felt pressured to write something more after being told to apologize, yet, I was too hog headed to admit that I was wrong when I didn't think I was wrong. If I ignored it and just turned up on another thread, would someone yell, 'WHERE IS YOUR APOLOGY?' Perhaps I should have read the FAQ. Does it tell us the proper thing to do when someone is pushing our stroller towards kissy-assed-R-us and we don't want to go?

Keep turning those kindness thumb screws, Praise, and don't get distracted by the polka.