The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23127   Message #255341
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Jul-00 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Apologies All Around
Subject: RE: BS: Apologies All Around
Don't worry, flattop, it'll die eventually even if you keep reviving it.

And you are indeed dancing a fine PM polka. (I believe this is not another slam he makes... He is referring to the Schmielzo Polka, which does seem relevant somehow now I think of it, and which is conveniently located in the Mudcat Songbook).

I was thinking, and now this is completely irrelevant, that someone named flattop probably does not need (or feel) two-by-fours administered over top.... probably not the best way to get through.

But here is the thing, and I have said it before, but getting to know flattop a bit has reminded me-- there is still NO SUBSTITUTE for really getting to know another human being.
