The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23134   Message #255438
Posted By: Sorcha
10-Jul-00 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
Subject: RE: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
I have just been a blubbering fool old woman lately. And Anima, just what kat said. Sorry we ignored your son's triumph. I hope he can keep his new friend. Takes a special friend to make a special friend.

I keep going back to the photo of Tristan, and blubbering some more. I have known a lot of "Special Children" in my life, and it seems to me that they are given a bigger capacity for JOY than the rest of us. When they smile, grin or laugh, they truly do light up like a Christmas tree. The rest of us just glow a little. Spaw, it does indeed take a special parent to parent a special child.