The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65565   Message #2554637
Posted By: sid
01-Feb-09 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Anti-alcohol, temperance songs
Subject: RE: Anti-alcohol, temperance songs
I have a A5? pocket book, some 90 pages, no date but probably late 19th C All Temperance Poems.


"My wife and children join with me, To raise our voice in praise,
To Him who led my wandering steps in sober, righteous ways;
And often do we bless the day I snapped the galling chain,
And listened to that Angel's voice, Abstain! Abstain! Abstain!

Teetotal movement V. strong in Victorian Lancashire, started in USA (1819?) spread to Ireland (Dr. Matthews) then to England and launched in England by Joseph Livesey of Preston on 1st September 1832. Lots of other, similar works by dozens of Dialect writers during Lancashire's Industrial Revolution.

Anyone seriously looking at this subject get in touch -SID