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Thread #118089   Message #2554863
Posted By: Teribus
01-Feb-09 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Subject: RE: BS: I was wrong about the latest Gaza truce
Pssst Tosser Jim this is what the Arabs rejected in 1947:

This is what they SAY they are fighting for now:

OK now any rational sane logical thinking people out there - which was the better deal for the "Palestinian Arabs"?? Please remember that had they accepted this deal ther would have been no displaced Arabs and ther would have been no "right of return" question.

History records that they rejected the 1947 proposal - So having lost the war that they chose to fight, just what exactly are we supposed to do?? Give them another shot at it?? You have got to be joking. But seriously they did try to refight the war and lost it again three times. OK when do you stop, the former main supporters have vanished from the scene, you now have Iran and Syria. Current attrition figres run at for ever Israeli killed 130 Palestinian Arabs get killed. I am very please to heard that the Israeli PM has announced that in future any attack upon the civilian population of Southern Israel from the Gaza Strip will be met by "disproportionate force" the days of "tit-for-tat" are over - Good that is exactly what the situation demands. Personally I'd like to see that translated into counter battery fire at at least brigade strength for at least one hour in response to any rocket or mortar fired from Gaza. I could not care a toss about where that mortar or rocket was fired from, or what casualties resulted from the retaliatory fire was - that is entirely up to Hamas, their choice. And it is all a matter of choice.

What defines the boundaries of the United States of America?? Or any other nation for that matter?? Mutual agreement? Or conquest and treaty dictated by fortune of arms?? If it's good enough for our ancestors it's bloody well good enough for the Arabs of Palestine and their declared foes the citizens of Israel. The former, the Arabs of Palestine, attempted to destroy the Israelis by force of arms and lost, plain and simple - live with it and continue your lives - if you lose at the poker table you can expect no refund because you chose unwisely - lesson number 1, life is hellishly more cruel and unforgiving than poker, that is reality.