The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118230   Message #2555246
Posted By: Big Mick
02-Feb-09 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: New Jersey State Song
Subject: RE: BS: New Jersey State Song
My comment was tongue in cheek. I lived and worked in New Jersey, and I expect my daughter, when she is on her own, will move back there. I am a Michigan boy, but I loved the place, and its people are unique and greatly misunderstood. Once you get outside of the Newark/Elizabeth areas, and parts of Trenton, New Jersey is really a collection of small towns with a great lifestyle. I lived in Berlin which is in South Jersey, across the bridges from Philly. One could not ask for a nicer place. Spent a great deal of time wandering in the Pine Barrens. I would often go at night, especially foggy nights, and see if I could have an encounter with the Jersey Devil. The old bugger never did show.

It is a great State, with a rich and facinating history, and lovely people with a unique way about them. In my next life, I am going to marry a diner waitress......LOL. Love their attitude!!!

All the best,
