The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2555464
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Feb-09 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
This thread worries me. It worries me because there are those on here who are so pedantic that it takes my breath away. I guess it's the same reason that we are now all so 'controlled' and not allowed to talk to each other in a normal way.

If you are a Muslim, then you're allowed to be a Muslim at ALL times, putting it even above your nationality. Yet, if you are a Christian, you're not even allowed to 'take it to work with you'? I'd presume that if you're Christian, then you are so, 24/7. It's not another 'job' which you do part time, it's simply a part of you, a part of your being. This lady was simply being kind, not aggressive, nor wanting to 'convert' her patient, just a kind person reaching out. And for that she's been put through all that she has?

It worries me the way Christianity, seemingly above all other faiths, has now become the one faith that people feel free to abuse and ridicule. I think that's wrong. Maybe the poor nurse *asked* her patient, because she's almost become paranoid about putting anyone into her prayers without their express permission.

Sheesh! This world has gone quite barmy.

The WHOLE point of being a nurse is surely to care about people. It's not JUST about science and I can imagine nothing worse than being nursed by a cold, sterile, scientific android, who turns up to clinically change your dressings, and nowt else.

At this rate all vicars/chaplains will have to be banned from hospitals in case patients of other religions take offence that they're in there in the first place.

I mean..come ON folks.

Gawd, thank heavens I come from a time where I can still recall people being allowed to say things easily to one another, to reach out and be kind to one another, and they didn't have their heads put on the block for it.