The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2555533
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Feb-09 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????

This isn't about religion as such. This is about KINDNESS!

She only meant it as kindness, NOTHING else! She wasn't 'trying to force her beliefs down the patient's throat'...and it stuns me, and worries the absolute beejayzus out of me that some folks can't see this.

I'm not *supposed* to help people up the steps into er...a certain shop where I work, nor even help push their wheelchairs up the ramp. I *am* allowed to put it down for them...but after that, that's where it stops. Why?   In case the where I work gets sued by the people who may fall up/down sideways over/off or under the steps, or tumble out of their wheelchairs, I presume.

Well, b*gger that for a game of soldiers!

I am sooooo not going to stand there and watch someone struggling, purely because that's what my 'job description' tells me to do. Hell, I even decorated the consulting room and treatment room for my doctors, years back, whilst they were away. I did it to surprise them...and to keep busy. They were very pleased, it saved them a small fortune. Was it in my job description? Nope!

If my little ol' ladies in lavender ask me to move their television, or make them a cuppa, or pick their knickers up off the floor ( ;0) )do I say "I'm sorry, that's not what I'm 'ere for Missus!" and walk out with my head pointing snottily towards the ceiling? No, I say "Yeah, no worries!" and just do it.

I totally, utterly and categorically refuse to ever give in to 'them' and become not only an android, but one who snitches on the humans!


Your go olafr .... :0)