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Thread #118245   Message #2556005
Posted By: Spleen Cringe
03-Feb-09 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
NICKHERE: "She had to follow an anal code of conduct". Have you read the NMC Code of Conduct? It's there for very good reasons. Without some basic standards of professional conduct any sort of dodgy practice could be undertaken in the name of nursing with absolutely no comeback for patients. Any caring profession needs clear professional standards, if only to prevent a descent into barbarism. It's not rocket science and has bog-all to do with the thought police or "political correctness" (a right wing construct invented by those who really make a meal out of getting offended, by the way!). Nothing "anal" about setting minimum professional standards...

BUBBLYRAT: "The very notion of nurses being just cold, unemotional, atheist scientists, devoid utterly of all human love, compassion,and understanding is ,frankly,terrifying.". Erm... I'm not being funny, but have you ever met a nurse? And since when did evidence-based medicine become such a bogeyman? It's saved millions and millions of lives, you know! I suspect your view of scientists comes from watching Dr Strangelove...
GOATFELL: Why use this issue to have a pop at muslims? Any bleeding excuse, isn't it?

Another anecdote: not "evidence" of anything, but interesting in this context. A friend and ex-colleague of mine (an atheist brought up in a muslim family, for those who worry about such things) was constantly getting evangelical christian literature put in her in-tray by two born again colleagues. She asked them to stop. Next thing she knew she was hauled in by the manager threatening to have her disciplined on the grounds of oppression of expression of religious freedom or some such nonsense. The Christians had complained to management about her mild objections to their antics and the manager was stupid enough to give them the time of day.

So its not all one-way traffic.

As an atheist I would never dream of bringing up my views with those I am paid to provide a social work service to. It simply wouldn't be appropriate and isn't why I'm there. I expect christians, muslims and other medievalists to show the same basic courtesy.

Finally, she's not been sacked. she's being investigated. Probable outcome will be a slap on the wrist and a warning to really, really not do it again. It's actually quite hard to get yourself sacked by the NHS. Too hard, some might say.

And really finally, I wonder who took this story to the press. I'd put a week's wages on it not being the Primary Care Trust...