The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2556168
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Feb-09 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Nickhere, no need to apologise. I read the same book.:-)

I give thanks to the Universe/Cosmic/Great Spirit/Mother-Father God of my Heart/whatever one chooses to call "it."

I am picky about the wording of my thanks givings because I believe in the power of words, written, spoken, and thought, and that is one reason why I do NOT want unknown prayers said for me. I believe we can "program" our subconsciousness, just like a computer because it believes anything we put into it, so that it works to manifest whatever we say is Truth. No, I do not believe the power of other folks' prayers can harm me esp. BUT, as it is an intensely personal thing for me, I prefer to keep it private.

The person doing such may have no idea what is best for me or what is needed. Unless I know they are turning their will over to the "Cosmic" by using the thanks for this or something better for the highest good of all concerned I don't want their prayers. I had too many years of ultra-religious family members who *thought* they knew what was best and would tell me they were "praying really hard" for whatever. That right there is wrong, to me. To "pray hard" sets up a negative environment for the subconsciousness to bring about.

So, that's all I am going to say. If I ask, then prayers, good thoughts, etc. are most welcome. If not, no thanks. IMO, the nurse should not have offered unless the patient requested it. In all my years as a nurses' aide and EMT, I never imposed my beliefs on any of my patients and if I'd been told specifically NOT to do by my employer, I sure wouldn't have gone on to do so and I say that as a non-Christian, so it has nothing to do with what religion one might be.