The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118283   Message #2556248
Posted By: Megan L
03-Feb-09 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Coping with snow in Britain (closed)
Subject: RE: Coping with snow in Britain
Goatfell fur goodness sake beuy get grip yer racists rants urny welcome here. Tae abody else dinny mind me if a gloat jist the peediest bittie since it appears the country has been turned oan its hied weatherwise its usually us in the FAR NORTH shvierin under the snaw and wind. on a more serious noteI hope everyone is safe and well keep an eye for any elderly or vulnerable neighbours. Its amazin the friendships that can be started wie "I hope ye dinny mind but I made far to much soup and wondered if you could help me use some of it"