The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23127   Message #255636
Posted By: Big Mick
11-Jul-00 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Apologies All Around
Subject: RE: BS: Apologies All Around
OK folks, have we got it all out now???? Having been around this place longer than most, and not near as long as some, I have seen meltdowns like this occur like clockwork. Jeri has even written a song about it. It is like a catharsis for most. But the trouble is that there are victims and they may never come back. So I am going to go back to the original intent and offer an apology.

Dear Karolina,

Please accept my apologies for what you have had to endure in this thread. One must have a bit of a thick skin on the Mudcat, as all subjects are open for discussion. But what one should not have to be subjected to is rudeness. And we have all talked about you here instead of to you. I know that you have been welcomed to the Mudcat in another thread, but after this that may well be like cattle being welcomed to a convention of butchers. I hope you will stick around and give the true nature of the Mudcat a chance to shine through. What you will find is a community of wonderful people that is tied together by a love of folk and blues music and the issues that spawn and inspire that music.

All the best,

Big Mick