The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23174   Message #255707
Posted By: George Seto -
11-Jul-00 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: A suggestion? Time for Membership Only?
Subject: RE: A suggestion? Time for Membership Only?
Well, I see no need for the Members Only business. I certainly don't remember when I first came to Mudcat, but it was probably about a year after the original Digital Tradition left Xerox Parc.

I did a thread search and it only shows back to November of '98. I'm sure I was here before that posting. I had used the facilities for a while before Dale Rose dragged me into the Forum.

I certainly appreciate it, Dale. Though I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in here for which I do heartily condemn you also! 8-)

Anyway, back to the point of this message. Despite the "Guest" appendage at the name for those who don't wish to "join". It's still being a member of the community to post. By posting and responding, though you haven't formally joined, you HAVE in fact joined a community. We DO welcome all of it. Some of the messages we may NOT like. But the internet IS a democracy. If we didn't like it, we would not come back. I hope and believe strongly that many guests will eventually become "members", but in reality, it is just a delayed formality.

Come and enjoy what we have.

Like family we may have spats now and then but we do like each other AND yourselves, the guests.