The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255764
Posted By: bbelle
11-Jul-00 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
Oh, anna ... all the things you say about moondoggy are true!!! And I understand the other part of it, too.

I am a road warrior and famous for driving long distances by myself. I listen to a little bit of radio (if I can find a station that speaks of the regional music culture, usually late into the night); my tapes & cd's (this is usually when I memorize lyrics); audiobooks (at Cracker Barrel's you can rent from one and return to another); and for hundreds of miles I will listen to nothing but my own mind (I solve all the world's problems).

But I must confess that I cannot sleep in abject quiet, therefore, for years I've slept with a fan going (summer, fall, winter, and spring). I find that if I sleep with the TV on, I will wake up if I hear something, subconsciously, that bothers me. In addition, music does not lull me to sleep, because I either want to sing along or keep time with my foot. (Now doesn't that sound like a great bed "partner?" )
