The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23192   Message #255793
Posted By: catspaw49
11-Jul-00 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Never tried the snake routine, but everything else has been experienced....and enjoyed. And Wes, why we are still alive is beyond me too.

After 6 years of 2 week church camp and 4 years of band camp, I think I hit most of the high points of crappola. That fine product "HEET" so useful for muscle strain, also had a fine place in camping history as does its mate, "Absorbine Jr." Artfully applied to underwear crotches, it is without peer in the prank department. The warm pan of water hand dip procedure also produces the desired "halo effect" for those of us in the practical joke business.

Ever popular, the "Steal the Clothes from the Shower Room" certainly deserves a spot on any pranksters list, although it would lose a lot of lustre in single sex camps. The set-up for this requires more planning to assure it isn't fouled up by some adult prude while achieving maximum "exposure" for the campers.

Church Camp, for all of its religious side, was generally extremely rowdy, and every year the same folks came and there were the classic pairings of both pranksters and lovers which only happened during camp. I was fortunate that from the 8th grade on, my love interest, best friend, and main prank partner, was the same person....a preacher's daughter I'll call Lynn (as that is her name). Methodist Camps were not to big on the religion parts and were mainly just a funplace that got the kids away from the parents for a couple of weeks.

Lynn was a tomboy of the first order, right down to the chipped tooth. I think back on all the "firsts" which she gave me and its an impressive list. From first "serious" kiss, to being the first girl I ever saw completely naked, Lynn was the most "educational" friend in some areas that I have ever had. But her ability and creaivity for jokes was simply unbelievable. I ran into Lynn quite by accident about 5 years ago and we rehashed a few of those jokes. Proud to say, she has three kids which she said were quite well behaved, except for one who seems to have inherited a lot of her.....and now drives her nuts.

The most ambitious stunt we ever pulled was a complete swap of everything between two cabins, one girls and one boys. I can't believe I ever had that kind of energy....takes all I've got just to pick up the clutter around here after the boys are done.....'course they're never "done" so.............
