The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117116   Message #2558237
Posted By: breezy
05-Feb-09 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: Folk club do not die- they are killed
Subject: RE: Folk club do not die- they are killed
Why was it when I booked Garbutt, Bailey twice, Andrews thrice and Taylor Jeremy thrice, Irvine and Tawney the club was always packed out?

because they attracted an audience

So, to all aspiring headliners, if you dont attract an audience then you cant expect to be paid   the fee you think you ought to get no matter how brilliant you think you are, so until 'guests' recognise they dont have a 'pulling power' and get a grip on reality they should not expect clubs to pay them at a loss to the club, or the club will go under.

Quote from a long time pro, to a newbie organiser in 2001

'Keep out the traddies, they'll kill your club'

From a 'puller' who said, 'Some clubs have singer's nights to raise money to book me'
My reply was , 'we book a guest every week so the answer to that is no, your night must cover itself,' luckily it did