The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118341   Message #2558334
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Feb-09 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Subject: RE: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Kat, commercial advertisors and sales people work on this basis and this alone: if it sells, do it!

That's why they keep employing advertising that exploits various parts of the female body. It sells their product! There are still plenty of idiots out there who that advertising works great on, and there always will be, and as long as there are then further things will be done along that line.

If you don't like it, then you don't buy their product, right? That would be you and me, for instance. We wouldn't buy their product. If everyone was like you and me then their stuff wouldn't sell and they'd give it up and do something else.

But everyone isn't like you and me. And part of life is coming to terms with the fact that everyone isn't the way we would like them to be...

Part of life on this forum is coming to terms with the fact that everyone else's comments may not be to your liking, their sense of humour may not be the same as yours, and a given thread may not be to your liking either. In which Joe says.....boycott it!