The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118341   Message #2558628
Posted By: Big Mick
05-Feb-09 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Subject: RE: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Actually, harpy, there are many things I find offensive, like your attitude whenever someone doesn't agree with you. I find that most offensive.

As to the subject at hand, perhaps you could define for me what constitutes offense? The mere discussion of a woman who is all over the news, exactly by her design I might add, who has altered her body in a grotesque way? Is it because men are discussing it? Are they making gratuitous comments that are offensive? Have they compared her breasts to yours? Or mine? What is offensive?

I find discussions that defend the actions of the British government in the North of Ireland offensive. I find threads attacking the hispanic population because they are trying to get to this country to do better for their families offensive. But that doesn't constitute a reason for closing the thread.

That is why your nasty comments are ignored. Your reaction is typical of you and it has happened any number of times over the years when someone disagrees with you.

